Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rainy May day be darned....yesterday
was waterfall huntin' day. We bagged two,
and came home with only minor injuries.
This morning the bod is a little unhappy
but yesterday we were all glad to be moving!

This was the low-lying fall we went to.
It was a bit of a trek to get down to it,
and there were some pretty muddy
places, but it was worth the work.

Here is mini me...I made it small
because it doesn't show
off my general state of disrepair.
But it's kind of a cool picture because
that branch is what we rappelled
down a bank on.

Now that we have thumbed our
nose at the wetness of spring,
we will probably have a lovely sunny weekend.
Oh please, oh please!?

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of the kids. The looks on their faces are hilarious
