Thursday, November 20, 2014

Regrets....dun dun dun....

Day 13...
Do I have regrets?

That one is hard, because the real, important
LIFE decisions I wouldn't do over.  I don't regret
marrying young or having a family that
is larger than socially acceptable.  

I don't regret the MANY moves
over the course of our 24 years.  

I regret I didn't pay closer attention when my
children were little....didn't cherish each day
that I got to be their mom.  I regret the times 
I was impatient with them.

But hopefully, I can help some other mom
with younglings learn faster than I did :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Missing Pieces

Day 12...What I pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Day 11...
The last book I read.

Easy!  I am in the middle of 
Ayn Rand's "Fountainhead"
but in the middle of it I have read
"The Saving of Cece Hunnecutt" 
and "Where the Heart Is" because
WOAH...Ms. Rand is not an easy read.
It is definitely not a mindless, turn-off-
your-brain, relaxing book.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Time For Honesty

Day 10....
Daily Routine...
This is the post where I admit to the world how 
much time I spend with Facebook open on
my laptop.  A lot.  

When I wake up, I thank God for another day
and try to get my mind focused on gratefulness.
Then I think about coffee.

So Coffee, Facebook and I have our quiet time
until 6:15 and leave for work comes.

First thing at work, I bang my head against a 
brick wall for the first half an hour....
I try to get the ranch records to a point that
a man who has no idea how to be happy, will
be happy.  Who is the dumbie there?

Play with the birds until noonish, and try to get
home in time to see Darrin and the girls 
on their lunch break.

Lunch time for Facebook and I, usually joined 
by some friend or Madi.

Facebook has some quiet, but still logged on, 
time while I shower and attempt to do a little
housework....unless Pinterest wants to play, also.

While I feed and care for the outdoor animals, 
Facebook holds down the fort inside.  If there
are garden chores (and the garden isn't covered
in snow) Facebook just racks up notifications 
and waits patiently. 

When the family gets home from school, 
I try to step away from the computer and ask 
how everything went as well as help
with a snack...unless someone REEEEALLY
wants to talk, then I use one ear for the 
happenings of the day.... 
and both eyes on Facebook.

No, Facebook, you may not come to supper.

Zombies, movie, books and Facebook until bed.

In bed, only books and husbands allowed.

Good night.

Smell the Color Nine

And on the ninth day....
Bucket List.

-Most of my list involves travel.  I would 
love to be on every habitable continent.  
Two down, four to go.

-I want to go to Boston and the historical sites 
of the Revolutionary War.

-And Atlanta and see the sites of the Southern
War for Independence.

-I want to snorkel, a bunch, in many oceans.

-I want my silly little miniature degree in
Surveying and Engineering.

-Lastly (for now) I want to live in a house I 
designed and Darrin and I built.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 8 is Great

The short and sweet version of 
today's challenge.

My biggest pet peeve (my definition is: a
small thing, that is probably none of my business,
but that bugs the snot out of me anyway) 
is long nails on men.  I don't care if they are 
manicured or dirty or painted hot pink,
I just think men should have short nails.  

The end.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Day 7...My dream job

When I was very young I drew dresses.
All the time.  Huge Cinderella 
ball gowns with bustles and panniers and
layers of puffy fabric.  Then I saw a house plan.
And I was hooked.  I can't begin to count 
the books of graph paper and reams of 
looseleaf I have used up (not wasted) on 
plans for everything from castles
to chicken coops.

Architecture was always an unachievable dream, 
career wise because I honestly didn't have that 
kind of drive for school.  I didn't have the grades 
or the motivation to put in the time and effort.

Now, as an adult, facing the Empty Nest, 
I want to go to school.  I still don't have the gumption
for six or eight years of college but I do have 
enough to do a couple. So I am planning, Lord willing
and the creek don't rise, to go to UCC when 
our youngest does and study civil engineering 
and surveying.  It's never too late, right?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Day That Missed...Plus the One I Haven't Missed Yet

Day five is my favorite movie...
the one that I watch over and over.

And it really is a no brainer,
because I borrowed it from the library
so many times that Darrin
finally just bought it for me.

It is terribly cliche and stereotypical for 
a middle aged American woman.

Pride and Prejudice

Followed closely by:
Men in Black 1&3
(but not 2 at all)
All of the X-men
(but especially First Class)
And Pirates of the Caribbean
(because, look!  Pirates!)

And for Day 6...
Most recent random act of kindness
This one is weird and kind of kind 
and selfish all rolled into one.

I work on a ranch and we have 
an older man who helps out when
he isn't farming the hay and alfalfa
fields.  Our boss is not great to him
for reasons I shall not venture into.
Yesterday he was filling the seeder
with triticale all alone and I
stopped my current task to go help him
with his.  Here is the selfish part,
I love farming.  I love freshly tilled
soil and the lines that the equipment
makes as you are preparing to plant, so I 
asked to ride along in the Big Tractor.
Sometime I'll tell more about Big Tractor, 
But for now, I'll just say I went on a 
cruise with him and we visited
and vented in the sun with the smell
of dirt in the sunny crisp air
and I jumped out to move the wheel
lines so he could stay in the comfy seat.

Does a random act of kindness count if you
get as much out of it as the recipient?

Monday, November 10, 2014

Back When I Was a Kid....

Day four is Best Childhood Memory...
I don't have a specific one, but the best
times of all were playing with Joy in the
woods between her place and
 my grandparents. We had great 
imaginations back then 
and those forest places became all kinds
of interesting locations.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Third Day

This may be the most boring post of the 31 days..

I'm thankful for my super comfy bed 
and my warm husband in it at the end of
almost every day.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 2

Day 2 is a favorite quote.
Bilbo knows what he's 
talking about.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blog Challenge Business Day 1

My daughter Madi, over at 
is doing this 31 Day Blog Challenge. 
I'm such a joiner I'm just jumping in, too.

Day 1.
A self portrait and 
five random facts about me.

#1.  I am completely and totally self 
conscious.  I expect that every time 
I do or say something clumsy or stupid
there is an audience waiting to laugh.  
I do and say clumsy, stupid things 
ALL THE TIME.  Fun times 
in Cara's head.

#2 I have the same best friend, the one that 
invited me to church in fourth grade,
to this day.  
I have the same husband I started 
dating in 1988.  
I lived in the same house from the time 
I was three until Darrin and I married
in 1990.  AND.....
we have moved about 30 times since.
Kind of a contradiction isn't it?

#3 I like Fall and Spring best.  I like winter
just fine.  I do not like summer
much at all.  Too hot, too buggy and 
too many unmet expectations.

#4  I garden and breed chickens
for fun and therapy.

#5  I always thought I was a dogs-only
person.  Now I really like the 
independence of cats.