Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Day That Missed...Plus the One I Haven't Missed Yet

Day five is my favorite movie...
the one that I watch over and over.

And it really is a no brainer,
because I borrowed it from the library
so many times that Darrin
finally just bought it for me.

It is terribly cliche and stereotypical for 
a middle aged American woman.

Pride and Prejudice

Followed closely by:
Men in Black 1&3
(but not 2 at all)
All of the X-men
(but especially First Class)
And Pirates of the Caribbean
(because, look!  Pirates!)

And for Day 6...
Most recent random act of kindness
This one is weird and kind of kind 
and selfish all rolled into one.

I work on a ranch and we have 
an older man who helps out when
he isn't farming the hay and alfalfa
fields.  Our boss is not great to him
for reasons I shall not venture into.
Yesterday he was filling the seeder
with triticale all alone and I
stopped my current task to go help him
with his.  Here is the selfish part,
I love farming.  I love freshly tilled
soil and the lines that the equipment
makes as you are preparing to plant, so I 
asked to ride along in the Big Tractor.
Sometime I'll tell more about Big Tractor, 
But for now, I'll just say I went on a 
cruise with him and we visited
and vented in the sun with the smell
of dirt in the sunny crisp air
and I jumped out to move the wheel
lines so he could stay in the comfy seat.

Does a random act of kindness count if you
get as much out of it as the recipient?

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