Saturday, September 18, 2010


Fall goals (maybe if I post them here rather than in my own private paper brain I will get more of them accomplished)

-New bunny home and installed in poop collecting hutch that I finally made (!)
-Outdoor garden all tidied up and put to bed properly (if this gets done it will be the first time EVER I can check it off in my book)
-Greenhouse organized and all ready for January plantings
-Little house all CLEANED (seriously, when even I am embarrassed, its bad)
-Most the Bible from cover to cover in 90 days (this is the challenge to all of our church and I am nervous about even attempting it)

There are two more that I can't think of right now...I'll add to as they come to me.


  1. -Post more pictures (this is such a big DUH! if you look at the title of the post.)

  2. I love lists. Lists are lovely. Hope you get lots of yours accomplished.

  3. Well....yesterday was a home-work day and I got lots of things accomplished, but nothing to check off on my list. Big bummer.

  4. Bunnies are home and well. Garden is better than its ever been in October. Greenhouse is still producing, so no prep work yet. Small house is worse than ever. NON TRACK WITH BIBLE READING! Yay!

  5. I love that it's called "Pics" but there are none. Put that one up of your and your grouchy face - I like that one. :D

  6. I can't remember how to post pics. There. I just up and said it. I'll have to re-learn it sometime soon.

    -still trucking on reading...but that's all listwise.

  7. -Bible read in 90. Dec 19th

    -Greenhouse about 1/3 cleaned. Jan 15

  8. -Greenhouse 3/4 cleaned. Jan 30 (like my fractions?)
