Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Delusions of Summer, revisited, once again

Why is it that for the three rainy months leading up to the end of the school year I have myself convinced that THIS SUMMER we will have all the time in the world to do projects and swim and generally do all the great stuff we can't during school? And even more mysterious is why I have these same thoughts year after year! Isn't the definition of crazy "doing the same thing you've been doing but expecting different results?" Sheesh.

So here it is the 21st of July. I have one child missing this week. Next will be two, and another the week after that. The week following Mr. DD and I will be directing a camp with three of the children there in different capacities. We will arrive home after a week of no sleep and running around like heads with our chickens cut off, only to spend the next day preparing for the party to send our oldest chick off to college in another state. We will have exactly three days with all of our family in one house before we will be in different houses, save vacations, most likely for the rest of forever! How does this happen? How did we go from holding her tiny little self to the beginning of them flying away? Time goes.

Next time...less whine, and more mundane topics.....

1 comment:

  1. Alright. Now you've got me bawling. It is like that. They go too fast. Babies and summers. What can I do to make your last little bit of this one easier? How can I help? You are a good mama and your family is beautiful, under one roof or five.
