I have a proposition for all of the people who want the US government to take in and feed and house and clothe people who's culture seeks to destroy ours. I would like each one of you to take in a homeless person. The homeless in our country arent for the most part Muslim but they are not welcome in their own home so it is a good comparison. Go out to the street in the city nearest you and choose a person to come into your home. You will be responsible to feed and house and clothe them. They will be completely dependent upon you. You will be in charge of getting them any sort of medical care they need and documentation proving they are covered by your insurance. If they happen to be mentally ill or physically diseased you will be the one to pay for their care. If they become violent at any time, you will be responsible for all costs incurred in the legal process of jailing them or sending them back where they came from. And when they become belligerent and disrespectful of your kindness, as the majority of kept people do, that is your problem to handle as best you can
If this sounds ridiculous you are the very worst kind of hypocrite. You don't care for other humans if it means your own inconvenience, or a threat to you own personal safety. Or is it because the person living under a bridge is in all likelihood the same color as you and only those who's skin is different deserve to be welcomed? Isn't that the very racism you accuse me of? You want the government and those who pay taxes to do the work you see as desperately needed. Do not dare to question my Christianity if I am not 100% in favor of having people from places that politically seek to conquer America and you are unwilling to do the same for those already here.