Mowgli, Akela, and Kaa after the Missoula Childrens Theater's production of "The Jungle Book." |
One of the EXTREMELY cool things about being part of an extremely small, extremely rural school district is this kind of thing. It is a group out of ,of course, Missoula, Montana that comes with props and backgrounds and costumes and in one week puts on a musical. The kids get to sing and dance and act and just have a wonderful time.
Ours were the only "older kids" who participated, which was disappointing, but they were good! And had so much fun! They all sang, even Wilson. He also played the leader of the wolves in a rather Elvis-like fashion. Emily made the best snake, and led her little group of snakey tail so well. Charlotte had to teach the little monkeys to dance and let them drag her around so expertly.
Can't wait for next year's performance.