-Greenhouse is ready for planting. YAHOO!
-And now the starts are started.
I have wanted to save my own seeds for many years. Last year I happened to have plants in places that made it do-able, and so I saved broccoli, spinach and Swiss chard. BUT! When I went to plant it yesterday, I was hesitant. What if it doesn't germinate? Or worse....looks lovely, but fails to make food? What if I spend all the time and energy and money and water on a worthless crop? ( I think there is a Sunday School lesson in there somewhere.) We shall see.
Yesterday was one of those Saturdays that make you so glad that we have home days. We all got things accomplished. We all got to spend time with good friends. It reminded me to be extra thankful that we are one of the "one out of five families" that live in "Rural America." We are so BLESSED.